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Auto Repair Shop Near Me Shared This Method For Repairing Plastic!

Hello everyone! You are watching video:" Auto Repair Shop Near Me Shared This Method For Repairing Plastic! "
Welcome to our new video about plastic repair, in this video we will introduce you to a plastic repair method that was shared by an auto repair shop near me. This method is quite effective and easy to do, with basic tools and materials such as solder, super glue, baking soda, aluminum tape, it can be applied to repair various types of plastic items such as car bumpers, plastic seats, plastic fan blades...etc
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Видео Auto Repair Shop Near Me Shared This Method For Repairing Plastic! канала Gaus DIY
diy, life hacks, Gaus DIY, crafts, tips and tricks, Invention, creative idea, DIY projects, how to make, tutorial, Repair, how to, restoration, Plastic welding, Broken plastic, welding plastic, plastic repair welding, plastic welding method, plastic repair, plastic repairing, car bumper paint crack repair, car bumper damage repair, car bumper chip repair, car bumper damage, car bumper repair, car bumper fix, car repair shop near me, auto repair shop near me
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