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Susanne Marie - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Also see http://batgap.com/susanne-marie/

My passion is to help inspire, support and celebrate with others to live our common essence as Love and Unity with all life. My work is based upon living as authenticity, and shares common elements with the worlds 'non dual' wisdom teachings, mirroring those aspects which have been a part of my own self-exploration.

We can only long for what we already know to be true, somewhere deep inside. The shift that happens when what has always been true moves from the background (covered up by mind) to the foreground reveals our birthright: that we are all of Life, and not separate from it. The experience of feeling separate from life is a time-bound, limited perception that can be dissolved. Simply an innocent function of the mind, feelings of separation can be deeply looked into and seen through. Being drawn home is the natural evolutionary cycle.

I call this work Transformation through Presence, as that is what in my mind occurs. We (as manifest reality), transform (mind, body, habits, all things affected by believing in separation), by remembering what we are -- Life, God, spirit, presence, or awareness, whatever you want to call it -- and that what we are is the true transformational power, full of inherent wisdom.

What we are is awake, alive Presence. Becoming aware that we are aware, is being awake to this presence. In my Invitation to Remembering meetings, and in my one on one sessions, I offer guidance in pointing to the awake presence that we are, assisting in dismantling structures of belief which may be in the way of someone realizing the truth of their being. My other area of expertise is in assisting those who are already integrating awakening in their life, and who desire support and assistance in navigating the new perception of Unity, which is our natural state of being.

This journey into the heart of what is true began as a child. I noticed that the adults around me were not always being authentic, which had a great impact on me. Gradually the world that I knew as whole began to take on the hypnotic dream of separation that those around me existed in. I was painfully aware by ten that something was changing which I tried to give voice to, and for which I had no support or understanding. What was occurring was that the experience of Unity was ebbing. As soon as it started to fade, I went on the search for that lost part.

As a child I lived in various European countries, resulting in the experience of having to learn several different languages from scratch in a short period of time. Out of necessity, and an innate interest in what people are really communicating, an ability to understand the energetics of language itself, and what is really being said beyond words (an intuitive faculty), emerged.

I developed an interest in mysticism and philosophy in my early teens, seeing nature as a magical realm, where I felt most at home. I took some hypnotherapy classes at 16, and would put my friends and family members in 'trances', exploring alternate states of mind. Later I would become a certified hypnotherapist. There was a deep pull to go within, and not being interested in developing a persona (back then I was more confused than clear as to why), I dropped out of college at 21, and instead studied Yoga and meditated intensely, lived in an ashram and worked for a time as a Yoga and meditation teacher. When my beloved brother Daniel died in 2002, the search for truth took a nose-dive deeper into reality as I endeavored to understand where he went. It was an incredibly difficult time, as three major life altering events all occurred within a year's time. What ensued was a deep letting go of much that I had relied on and imagined, including spiritual beliefs. Up until that time, I had been a natural mystic, easily communing with beings and guides from other realms, with a rich dream and inner life. In essence, I felt myself to be on a guided progressive path eventually leading to what I believed freedom was. All that got left behind, as a stripping of all that I thought to be true fell away. Emerging out of this passage into the unknown, following a period described best as a stark landscape (a time of emptying out of content), a deep remembering into the nature of reality occurred, and continues to unfold. Concurrently, raising two children, now teens, takes much of my focus. Along with working one on one with individuals, I lead a bi-monthly Satsang Tea Salon: An Invitation to Remembering in my community, at times inviting guest teachers to co-lead. Sharing in this way feels true to my being, is a movement of love, and is evolving in its own organic, joyful, way.

Susanne Marie is available for Skype or phone sessions, as well as open to invitations to share Satsang: An Invitation to Remember.

Interview recorded 7/7/2013

Видео Susanne Marie - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview канала BuddhaAtTheGasPump
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10 июля 2013 г. 18:14:37