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Youth encountering the Holy Spirit in Denver, Colorado!

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The greatest need for the youth today is to have a personal encounter with God. This generation is exposed to darkness more than any generation in history, and it is our responsibility to lead them to the light and love of Christ. With so much confusion and deception in the world today, only the Holy Spirit can reveal to their hearts the truth of Jesus. We had the opportunity to minister to the youth in Denver, Colorado, and it was beautiful to behold how the Holy Spirit brought deliverance and the revelation of the love of Jesus to so many hearts.

We want to thank all of our partners for sending us to share the gospel with this generation. It is only because of your love and support that we are not only able to hold evangelistic events around the world, but we are also able to reach this generation of young people. If you are not a partner with the ministry yet, we ask you to prayerfully consider joining us in this calling to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. For more information on how you may partner with the ministry simply click here:


Thank you for loving us and sending us to the nations to share with so many lives who desperately need to hear the hope that we have in Christ.

Never forget that you are deeply loved!

Andres, Giannina, Elijah, Anabella and James Bisonni

Jesus told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” (Luke 24:46-49)
Receive Jesus, receive forgiveness and eternal life

For more information on how to support the ministry and receive the book "My Beloved Holy Spirit" as a thank you gift, please visit

Recibe a Jesus y recibe el perdón y la vida eterna

Para mas información sobre como apoyar el ministerio y recibir el libro "Mi Amado Espiritu Santo" como regalo en agradecimiento por tu apoyo visita www.EspirituSanto.com

andres bisonni Ministries
Denver, Colorado

gospel good news miracles milagros blind see deaf hear lame walk the gospel is preached Jesus is Lord
signs wonders miracles señales milagros prodigios
uncion anointing glory gloria Jesus Dios God Holy Ghost Holy Spirit Espiritu Santo visions visiones
kingdom of God sanidades healing divine divina Amazing supernatural sobrenatural revival avivamiento worship adoracion salvacion salvation Fire Fuego eternal life infilling Amazing powerful glorious poder poderoso power Holy Spirit miracles milagros Jesus Christ Cristo Jesucristo Dios God River Outpouring derramamiento Espiritu Santo miracles brazil Espirito Santo Fogo avivamento, youth, jovenes,

sinais maravilhas milagres senales milagros Prodigios
uncion unção glória gloria Jesus Dios Deus Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espiritu Santo
reino de Deus cura divina sanidades divino sobrenatural surpreendente renascimento sobrenatural Avivamiento adoração adoracion salvacion salvação Fogo Fuego vida eterna tamponamento surpreendente poderoso glorioso poder Poderoso Poder Espírito Santo milagres milagros Jesus Cristo Jesucristo Cristo Dios Deus Outpouring derramamiento milagres Espiritu Santo

Injil mukjizat kabar baik milagros buta tuli mendengar lihat lumpuh berjalan Injil diberitakan Yesus adalah Tuhan
Argentina menandatangani keajaiban mukjizat Senales milagros prodigios
Roh Kudus uncion urapan kemuliaan gloria Yesus Dios Allah Roh Kudus Espiritu Santo visi visiones
Kerajaan Allah sanidades penyembuhan divina ilahi Menakjubkan kebangkitan sobrenatural supranatural avivamiento kehidupan kekal ibadah Adoracion Salvacion keselamatan Api Fuego infilling daya poder poderoso mulia kuat Menakjubkan Roh Kudus mujizat milagros Yesus Kristus Cristo jesucristo Dios Allah River Pencurahan mukjizat
Evangelium gute Nachricht Wunder milagros Blinden sehen Tauben hören Lahme gehen das Evangelium gepredigt Jesus ist der Herr
Deutschland unterzeichnet Wunder Wunder señales milagros prodigios
uncion Salbung Herrlichkeit gloria Jesus Dios Gottes Heiligen Geist Heiligen Geist Espiritu Santo Visionen visiones
Reich Gottes sanidades Heil göttlichen divina erstaunlichen übernatürlichen sobrenatural Revival Avivamiento Anbetung adoracion salvacion Rettung Feuerland das ewige Leben Infilling Erstaunlich leistungsstarke glorreichen poder poderoso Macht Heilige Geist Wunder milagros Jesus Christus Cristo Jesucristo Dios Fluss Gott Ausgießung derramamiento Espiritu Santo Wunder Brasilien Espirito Santo Fogo avivamento

Видео Youth encountering the Holy Spirit in Denver, Colorado! канала Andres Bisonni
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23 апреля 2019 г. 9:46:09