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Comparing Semi Trucks & Engine Brands | Freightliner, Kenworth, Volvo, Western Star, MACK

Comparing Semi Trucks & Engine Brands | Freightliner, Kenworth, Volvo, Western Star, MACK

Ever wondered how the top semi trucks in North America compare to one another, then keep watching!

In this video, Dave explains his opinion on what he thinks about the different truck and engine brands, even diving into which is his own personal favorite!

What do you think of this comparison? Is there anything we missed that you would like to add about a truck?!

Let us know in the comments, and drop which truck is your dream truck!
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00:00 Introduction
00:21 Best trucks for heavy industries
00:44 Heavy and oversized truck loads, Western Star
01:29 Van, flatbed, stepdeck best trucks
02:14 Volvo pros and cons
02:33 Freightliner pros and cons
03:15 Take into account your personal comfort when deciding which truck to purchase
03:35 MACK truck newest model, cons
04:01 Comparing the pros and cons of truck engines
05:15 The specific motor or truck model is more important than the brand name!
06:11 Opinions on truck and engine preferences
06:43 Reasons truckers purchase certain types of trucks
07:24 Biased truckers based on personal experience rather than research

Видео Comparing Semi Trucks & Engine Brands | Freightliner, Kenworth, Volvo, Western Star, MACK канала ET Transport
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