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Madonna - Secret (Junior's TribeHouse Edit) (Fan Music Video)

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I was beyond excited when the Secret B-roll leaked so naturally I had to make a remix video with the footage. This is the result using an edited version of a Junior Vasquez remix that was unreleased at the time of the Secret single's release. I edited it down from fifteen minutes because I didn't think it would have been fun for me to edit the entire mix, as well as people losing interest in the video rather quickly after a certain length of time. The mix is also not called "Junior's TribeHouse Edit". It's a name I made up to give the mix a funkier name and I don't think this mix had an official label by Junior Vasquez.

Видео Madonna - Secret (Junior's TribeHouse Edit) (Fan Music Video) канала VDJ Vivacity
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4 ноября 2019 г. 4:26:54