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17 октября 2023 г. 15:44:11
Личное сообщение
1 декабря 2021 г. 16:57:27
I feel too lonely, and I really want a lover. I think I'm ready for a relationship, but I just don't know where to find a girlfriend.
1 декабря 2021 г. 17:16:42
You just need to go out and be more open. Try asking your mates about their single friends, and you can find someone that way.
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18 сентября 2024 г. 19:36:23
Личное сообщение
1 декабря 2021 г. 17:32:08
Have you tried dating someone on dating sites? There are so many opportunities now why don't you take advantage of them? I think this is a good idea. Anyway, I know that on hookup sydney you can always find interesting people both for companionship and romantic relationships. Try it, it's not scary at all, besides, you will feel comfortable chatting with someone.
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