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Cheat Meals 101: Guide to Diet Cheating- Thomas DeLauer

Cheat Meals 101: Guide to Diet Cheating- Thomas DeLauer

Welcome to Cheat Meals 101: Guide to Cheat Meals
For more Guides visit http://www.ThomasDeLauer.com

We all love cheat meals. Almost every single one of my clients comes to me with the same question, “how many cheat meals can I have?” “What can I have for my cheat meal?”
Let's face it, when you are on a diet, it's one of the only things that you look forward to. You set this goal to have a cheat meal now and then and it's something you really look forward to and it's what often times keeps you on track. Also when you have a cheat meal, a lot of times it sort of re-energizes you, you finally get this surge of energy that allows you to focus a lot better and allows you to go into the work week with that laser like focus and that energy that you need to really get things done.

Rule #1:
The first one that I want you to keep in mind is to always eat protein with your cheat meal. The reason that you always want to eat protein with your cheat meal is because one, it's going to satiate you, it's going to keep you full and you want to eat that protein first because it's going to satiate you enough where you may not want to go quite as overboard on the sweet. You may not want to go quite as overboard on the starches.

The other reason that you want to keep a high protein in your cheat meal is because chances are you are going to be having carbohydrates with the cheat meal and those carbohydrates are going to spike your insulin levels which means that your body is going to become a lot more receptive to other foods that you are eating.

Rule #2
The next one isn't always easy to implement but in my opinion it's pretty critical because if you watch a lot of my videos, you know that I'm so huge on digestive health. If you are not absorbing your nutrients, you may as well just not be eating and if you drink a glass of lemon water about 15 minutes before your scheduled cheat meal, you are going to encourage your body to produce those gastric juices that are going to allow your body to break down that food better.

Now the other component of this rule is you need to be sitting down. Don't stand up and eat. Don't go to the pantry. Don't go to the fridge and grab a bunch of food because then you are just going to be rampantly raiding the fridge and it kind of defeats the purpose of a cheat meal. You want to sit down, you want to relax, you want to focus and enjoy on your one meal just like you would focus on a task at hand that work or just like you would focus on anything that's important to you. Just don't go crazy. That's kind of the rule of thumb.

Rule #3
The next rule is to eat slowly and there are a couple of reasons why you want to do this. For one, you want to enjoy your cheat meal. You have to remember that a cheat meal is just as much emotional as it is physiological and you don't want to be over in 5 minutes.
When I was overweight and 280 pounds, that was my biggest problem. I ate my food so fast, I just inhaled it. The problem is when you eat fast, your brain doesn't get a chance to actually send the satiation hormone. You see your stomach actually has to send a hormone to your brain and that tells your brain, "Hey, don't eat anymore." But if you are eating so fast, your stomach doesn't recognize that you are full and your brain never gets that signal. You just keep eating and overeating and overeating. If you sit down, you are relax, you chew your food, it gives you a chance to not go as overboard on that cheat meal as you may have otherwise.

Rule # 4
The number one rule that you need to follow and this is a big one and is critical for everybody… is to make sure that you orient your cheat meal around your workouts. As businessman and businesswomen you can't always have a long workout, you don't need to have a long workout but the fact is you need to orient your workout around your cheat meal in such a way that your body capitalizes on the cheat meal for positive muscle growth and positive recovery of the body.

Go to the gym and hit a full body resistance training workout because that's also going to increase that insulin sensitivity within your body which makes it so that your body will use that cheat meal better. You see after you are done working out, in addition to having that increase in insulin sensitivity, you also get the production of something called AMPK. The production of AMPK encourages protein synthesis which means the metabolism of protein but it also encourages glucose uptake which means that instead of the sugar floating around your bloodstream, the sugar is going to go to your muscle where it belongs giving you energy for your next day’s workout.

See you soon!
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Видео Cheat Meals 101: Guide to Diet Cheating- Thomas DeLauer канала Thomas DeLauer
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21 марта 2016 г. 21:52:11