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Pacific Rim - She's One Of A Kind Now

The following content is not intended for copyright infringement. The following is to only promote the film further and purposed for entertainment for Mecha and Kaiju fans around the world. Thank you.
After receiving words from Stacker about the final mission's plan, Mako guides Raleigh to the Jaeger he'll be piloting for this mission. Raleigh, entering the Jaeger Factory, was shocked to see a Jaeger none other than his own and beloved, Gypsy Danger. He never thought he'll see his beloved girl again. Gypsy Danger of course. Relief to see Gypsy receiving a new left arm and some metal alloy replacement on the left shoulder.

And also the completely renovated conn-pod (cockpit) inside Gypsy's head. And the huge hole in Gypsy's head is also replaced with new metal alloys and materials on the Jaeger's visor as well.

All damaged sustained from the battle in Anchorage 2020's incident has been completely renewed. Gypsy Danger is the only Mark-3 Jaeger to ever be installed with the Mark-5's technology systems except it's power core which has been doubled. Solid iron hulls with no alloys. Retractable chained swords that somehow, they didn't inform Raleigh about it. All these upgrades has made Gypsy officially the only Jaeger ever to be so much different from other Jaegers as it's a middle-classed Jaeger with the overpowered systems of the recent high-classed Jaeger.

But due to it's weight and just like other Jaegers, Gypsy still maneuvers quite slow. But it's attacks and defenses exceeded it's limits. Making it more powerful. Hopefully winning the final mission. After Mako shows Raleigh to his new Jaeger and meeting Tendo Choi, the chief technician, after five years.

Raleigh is then guided to his empty pilot quarters' room. Raleigh then made a conversation with Mako. As to know what it is that she does around here. Then went to ask if she's a Jaeger pilot, Mako says no as her current position is one of the high-ranked technician next to Tendo. As she earned it through being Stacker's adoptive daughter. Mako has also made a record of 51 drops and kills during her simulator score.

But Raleigh hasn't know it yet as Stacker is restricting her from fighting in an actual combat out on the ocean or city with a real Kaiju. But even if she could do that, Stacker holds her back because he doesn't want her to remember a tragedy to happen to her years ago as a young child. Mako just covers this reason as to tell Raleigh that Stacker has his reasons.

Mako then wishes that Raleigh will be able to accept the candidates she had picked for Raleigh to pilot with in Gypsy. She had studied his fighting technics and strategies including his previous one in Anchorage, Alaska. Due to his let down in the Jaeger Program, Mako believes that Raleigh deviates from standard procedures during combat not being able to risk things correctly.

Raleigh, having a needle to sting him, is shocked by Mako's opinion. Raleigh disagrees as he believes that when it comes to fighting an actual Kaiju, the feel of being a simulator is somewhat different from an actual fight out on the city or in the ocean. That in a real fight against these Kaijus would make risks to have a control of it's own and we can't do anything to prevent it.

As to just continue suffering through the consequences that these battles have to offer. Which is exactly what Raleigh has to do after he lost his close brother, Yancy. Mako, accepting his advice, heads back to her room in front of his room. Mako, thinking of a will to pilot Gypsy with him as to exact revenge on the Kaijus as to what they did to her family.

She turns around and witnessed Raleigh being topless as he settles down in his room, have a rug to clear his face up. Raleigh however spots Mako just standing there looking at him. Being magnetized, as she noticed Raleigh looked back and she quickly closes her door and looking through a peak hole in the door instead.

To be continued in the next scene...Don't forget to comment, like, add to favourites, share and subscribe for more scene's from Guillermo Del Toro's Pacific Rim. Giant mechanical beings fighting giant alien monsters. Bye!

Видео Pacific Rim - She's One Of A Kind Now канала TheShatterdome
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30 января 2014 г. 14:17:38