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Поиск по метке "Cat" в метках, найдено совпадений: 50
Лучший рыболовный узел о котором должен знать каждый рыболов. Как связать две лески между собой. 4k
Рыболовный узел yucatan knot - используют для связывания между собой лесок разного типа. Он отлично подходит для соединения поводка из монолески или флюорокарбона к плетеному шнуру. Узел Юкатан считают одним из самых прочных узлов, его прочность на разрыв составляет до 84% от прочности лески. Многие рыболовы считают его еще более прочным чем узел Олбрайт. На канале показываю полезные советы, лайфхаки и самоделки для рыбалки. Узлы для рыбалки использую такие: blood knot, albright knot, uni knot, yucatan knot
Фуршет от компании «3f-catering»
Свадебный фуршет –мероприятие, на котором гостей угощают холодными и горячими закусками и напитками. Для широкой русской души фуршет может быть непривычен. Тем не менее, он все чаще пользуется спросом. Ведь позволяет организовать свадьбу даже при ограниченном бюджете. Наша компания «3f-catering» предлагает организацию и выездное обслуживание свадебных фуршетов. Наш вы можете доверить столь значимое мероприятие. Можно не переживать – с нами все пройдет великолепно. У нас накоплен богатый опыт в организации
Standard Barcode Software
Bulk Barcode Labelling Application helps the organizations to increase their productivity and growth. Generated Barcode Labels can be used in various Windows Applications like MS Word, Excel and Paint. User can create the standard barcode labels by using the following steps - Step 1: Create a new barcode label by clicking on new option in quick barcode mode or barcode designing view mode. Step 2: Change the various details of the barcode label like barcode value, barcode header text and footer text, numbe
Локейшн скаутинг и препродакшн. Рассказываю о важности подготовки к съемке
Location Scouting - разведка локации перед видеосъемкой. И предпроизводство Пример на видео: подготовка к съемке танцев на Заячьем острове, Санкт-Петербург Профессиональное видеопроизводство CMCproduction и SmartREC CMCproduction - видеопроизводство полного цикла SmartREC - первое мобильное видеопроизводство в Санкт-Петербурге Сотрудничество, видеосъемка, креативы cmcproduction@mail.ru WhatsApp 8-953-348-12-81 Все ссылки
CPaaS - What Is It and How Can You Use It?
Carlos Villanueva is the Co-Founder and Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) of Enabld, a company founded last year that aims to transform Communication Service Providers (CSPs) and Telcos into Digital players. They are the enabler for easy-to-use Enterprise Communications to different industries, service providers gaining access to functionality rather than having to build everything in-house. It’s all about Communication Platforms as a Service – CPaaS. And CPaaS is what we talked about with Carlos! COVID-19 t
WebSummit is a truly unique event where you can meet wonderful people from all over the world, learn about new trends and market opportunities and, most importantly, get inspired. This year we’re here with the it.com project - offering businesses and people domains in the it.com zone. At WebSummit we're presenting the brand-new AI-based website name generator that could save a lot of time and effort. At Intis Telecom, we believe that innovations should be effective and bring value to people, b
KPIs: how to set up performance indicators?
Wherever your team members are based, whether in an office or remotely, motivation is a key topic that comes up time and again. Effective leaders are great motivators and it was great spending time again with Eugene Pradas who has decades of Telecommunications experience under his belt. Eugene has managed global teams for years and is very familiar with how to ensure the whole team pulls in the same direction to meet any company set goals and KPIs. Setting the right KPIs is critical. To keep the team m
The latest guest with us is Eugene (Gene) Pradas,Senior Vice President of Global Strategic Development with BTS - - Business Telecommunications Services. Eugene’s focus is on identifying and penetrating new markets to improve sales. In this episode we’ll be talking about how to set the right KPIs and succeed in leadership, and of course business development! Gene has spent 40 years in the world of Telecommunications now. He started back when there were telex services and fax and now of course we have M
Louise Ford is an Executive Director & CEO with more than 25 years of international experience in mobile payments and services, and 10 years of Executive Board experience in private owned technology companies. Recognised as a focused and driven leader who takes ownership of results, Louise employs expertise in balancing conflicting priorities, developing the right strategy, managing diverse stakeholders and implementing operations effectively. Louise is therefore the perfect person to talk about the
The Domain Name Industry - Trends and Future Direction.
The future of the domain industry is probably going to have two key aspects to it. The first one is consolidation. The domain industry is mature now. It has been around for many decades and that means that growth is not easy to find. That results in consolidation. Central NIC is one of the companies that is doing the consolidating. There are others out there. Registrars are emerging, registries emerging and other companies in the ecosystem are joining forces as well. We are also starting to see some in
How to best go about naming your website?
The future of the domain industry is probably going to have two key aspects to it. The first one is consolidation. The domain industry is mature now. It has been around for many decades and that means that growth is not easy to find. That results in consolidation. Central NIC is one of the companies that is doing the consolidating. There are others out there. Registrars are emerging, registries emerging and other companies in the ecosystem are joining forces as well. We are also starting to see some incr
How to make money with domain names?
Monetising domain traffic is actually a really simple thing. If you want to understand a lot about that go to MCL.club. That’s Masterclass Lessons, that’s what it stands for. I’ve done a series of twelve videos on domain monetisation – and it’s free! So you can just get access to them and it’ll go in-depth of what it means to monetise domains. And it’s a really simple process. But at the same time it takes a lot of skill to get the most out of your traffic. IF THE PROCESS IS SIMPLE, COULD YOU EXPLAIN
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