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Special Containment Procedures: Research into the specific nature of SCP-4008 is ongoing. As such, standard protocols for dealing with potential memetic hazards, infohazards, temporal alterations and spatial warping are to be observed. Additionally, Class-3 data integrity checks are to be performed on information relating to Foundation sites hourly until the nature of SCP-4008 is understood.

All stored information pertaining to Site-183, its assigned personnel, and any anomalies contained there is currently being verified under MERKATOR-Class data security protocols.

Description: SCP-4008 designates an anomaly surrounding the existence or non-existence of Site-183. While full documentation for Site-183, its assigned personnel, and the anomalies contained there exists within Foundation records, no evidence of the Site can be found at its supposed location and no interviewed Foundation personnel have any memory of the Site or its staff.

Photos included in the documentation indicate several structures visible on the surface in the area occupied by the site, none of which are currently present. The only notable feature of the area is the lack of any signs of current life; no animal life exists in the area and dead trees serve as the only evidence of plant life. Satellite imagery is inconclusive due to standard counter-surveillance measures - only a possibly advanced rate of desertification is evidenced, though it should be noted that the area surrounding the location is historically barren.

According to documentation, Site-183 was primarily responsible for the research and containment of anomalous historical artifacts and documents. Supposedly contained on-site were 64 anomalous objects, including four with SCP-designation (all fully documented in Foundation databases), all of which remain unaccounted for.

The primary avenues of investigation are:

The alteration of Foundation records, by a currently undocumented anomaly and/or group hostile to Foundation interests.
A memetic or anti-memetic anomaly that has removed or suppressed all memory of Site-183 and anything related to it.
Spatial displacement or some other alteration to reality that has partially removed Site-183 from existence.
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26 апреля 2019 г. 18:21:13
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