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Pascal Coppens interview on Kuriakos TV in Portugal 23 jan 2023

Pascal Coppens interview on Kuriakos TV in Portugal 23 jan 2023
#kuriakosTV #chinasnewnormal #pascalcoppens #interview #portugal

00:00 How did China became an interest for you?
01:43 You wrote 2 books about China. With China's New Normal you truly amazed me on how China wants to innovate. And your most recent book "Can We Trust China? you deal with a lot of misunderstandings. Can you explain more about the title?
06:00 You explain about circles of trust in China. I was surprised not to see the communist part as core circle. Can you explain more about the Chinese family culture and trust between Chinese?
8:40 In your book you compare the Western lens with the Chinese lens. A first one is about the bond quality of products in China. Is that still the case today and why do Chinese believe the West kept China in a straightjacket? How do Chinese look at intellectual property? Did they steal everything from us?
12.14: China is a 5,000 year civilisation. Is this why Chinese feel disrespected? How about the fact that Chinese don't keep agreements? Did Chinese learn from us to get rich? Were Chinese involved in writing the international regulation? Is China more or less open?
17:38 What is impact from confucianism when it comes to trust, relationships and speed? How can they be cautious and go fast at same time? Should we be worried about Yellow Peril that China would want to create an imperial state? Isn't it the West that colonised many countries instead?
Are we living again in a bipolar world with U.S. versus China instead of Soviet Union and U.S. before?
22.27 China has the biggest middle-class in the world. Do they still prefer Western brands or is this changing as well? What do the Chinese consumers want?
25:25 How about transparency of China? Can we trust the data from China? How protected are consumers with their data? Why are Chinese very careful or not transparent with sharing data? How does Beijing communicate with the Chinese citizens?
30:19 What can citizens say and not say? Can people protest in China? What did this mean for China? Are Chinese free at all? Can you explain more about when you talk about double standards the West have when it comes to China?
35:30 Is Xi Jinping similar to Mao? What is Xi or Beijing most worried about? Is Xi mainly providing problems or solutions? You write China sees themselves as a democracy. What do you mean with that? What is the relationship between business and government in China? And isn't China building many not-effective infrastructure and is this a risk for China?
44:30 What is your experience when we talk about human rights in China? What is happening and how is it evolving? Is one of the problems also about how China communicates about human rights? Final question: Can we trust China? And has the West made it more difficult as well to trust China?
Website: https://www.pascalcoppens.com/


Website: http://www.pascalcoppens.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pacovision/
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/pascalcoppens


Видео Pascal Coppens interview on Kuriakos TV in Portugal 23 jan 2023 канала Pascal Coppens
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