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The Keeper of Pink Elephants

If Magic is a visual art, then seeing things can't be bad...right?
they say it's all in your head, as if that makes it better, in my head that's right where I live.

Garrett opens up about seeing pink elephants and finds out others can see them too. in fact he's been collecting them for years there's 285 pink elephants only a little over 100 make it on to camera this time.

enter into your own magic symbolism... Define them before they define you! Think about how to give meaning to the things in your life.

For more information about products and services from Garrett Thomas please message him on Facebook. let him know what you need.
Music by: Joe Goretti
for more info on his music

Видео The Keeper of Pink Elephants канала Garrett Thomas
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27 февраля 2020 г. 23:00:09
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