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In which Andrew talks about all of the dumb things we have to do to score that crush, and why they're dumb. LET'S TAKE THIS SYSTEM DOWN

MY SNAPCHAT: andrewquo

Leave a comment telling me what part of courting/dating/relationship etiquette you find most annoying/tedious. Don't leave me hangin bruh

Hey guys I'm Andrew Quo and I make videos every Tuesday and Friday on this channel! Subscribe if you haven't already:

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tumblr: http://www.andrewquo.com
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instagram: http://instagram.com/andrewquo
vine: https://vine.co/u/1039795716878630912

If you see this, comment "you weird me out sometimes"

Видео BAD FLIRTING ETIQUETTE канала Andrew Quo
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6 ноября 2014 г. 6:24:40
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