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Tomb of Carlo Acutis opened for veneration in Assisi | SW NEWS | 158

The tomb of the Italian teenager Carlo Acutis has been opened for public veneration in the town of Assisi. That’s ahead of his beatification which is due to occur there on October the 10th. According to a press release from the local diocese, the body of the 15-year-old who died of leukemia in 2006 was found to be fully present but not incorrupt. It has now been reconstructed and placed in a glass casket for veneration with young Carlo attired in the garb of a typical teenager. Carlo Acutis was born in London in 1991. His was raised in a loving Catholic family.
Mayor of San Francisco permits increased attendance at Holy Mass
The Catholic Church in San Francisco has scored a partial victory in its campaign to increase the number of people allowed to attend Holy Mass. Up until this week, the city’s civic authorities were imposing COVID-19 restriction that permitted only 50 people to gather for outdoor worship, while only one person at time was allowed to go inside a church. Now the number allowed to worship indoors is to be increased to 25% of church capacity.
Two Catholic Churches in California desecrated with graffiti
Two Catholic Churches in California have been desecrated with graffiti. On the night of Friday, September the 25th, the exterior of St. Peter’s Chaldean Catholic Cathedral in the city of El Cajon was spray-painted by vandals with various satanic and political slogans from both the left and the right of the political spectrum. Thankfully, parishioners were prompt to do all they could to clean and erase the graffiti.
Pope Francis pens apostolic letter on 1600th death anniversary of St. Jerome
Pope Francis has issued a new apostolic letter on the importance of the Bible in the life of a Christian. The Holy Father penned his letter to mark the 1600th anniversary of the death of Saint Jerome, the great 4th century scholar who translated much of the Bible into Latin. It’s entitled Scripturae Sacrae Affectus which translates into English as Devotion to Sacred Scripture. Commenting upon his reasons for writing the Apostolic Letter, Pope Francis said he hoped that the example of Saint Jerome would awaken a renewed love for Sacred Scripture amongst Catholics along with a desire to live in a personal dialogue with the Word of God.
Knights of Columbus announce nine days of prayer for sanctity of human life
This Sunday will see the Knights of Columbus begin nine days of prayer for the protection of human life from conception to natural death. Entitled a Novena for the Cause of Life, each day will see Knights and their families read a selected passage from the teachings of Pope Francis on the sanctity of human life. That will then be followed by the recitation of the Holy Rosary. The initiative coincides with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Respect Life Month.
Shrewsbury diocese entrusts post-COVID recovery to Saint Joseph
Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury in England has entrusted the recovery of his diocese from the fall-out of the COVID-19 pandemic to the protection of Saint Joseph by declaring a Year of Prayer to the Head of the Holy Family. In a pastoral letter which was read at all Masses on Sunday, Bishop Davies pointed out that God the Father entrusted the care of His Son and the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Joseph through, “the most bitter trials of poverty and exile.”
Christian leaders of New Zealand unite to oppose assisted dying proposal
Leaders of 21 Christian denominations from across New Zealand have signed a joint-statement urging their fellow Kiwis to vote “no” in a forthcoming referendum on assisted dying. New Zealanders go to the polls in a General Election on October the 17th. Also, on the ballot paper will be the End of Life Choice Act 2019.
Pope Francis appoints Archbishop Charles Brown as nuncio to the Philippines
Pope Francis has appointed a new Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines. He’s Archbishop Charles Brown who has been Apostolic Nuncio – or Papal Ambassador – to Albania for the past three years. 60-year-old Archbishop Brown is a native of New York in the United States. He worked as an official in the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for 17 years until 2011 when Pope Benedict XVI asked him to become the Holy See’s Nuncio to Ireland. That’s a post he held until 2017.

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Видео Tomb of Carlo Acutis opened for veneration in Assisi | SW NEWS | 158 канала Shalom World
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2 октября 2020 г. 23:05:42