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Love and War

FUBAR: From a heartbroken US History teacher...

Dust storms of “what ifs” ravaged my crumbling shanty of confidence
Breadlines dishing out loneliness struggled to fill perpetually empty cups
Entranced with a bull market of smitten pipedreams
I leveraged every mental and emotional asset in my name
And snatched up more on margin, banking on future growth
To inflate the blue sky feelings of “mmmm hhmmmm”

The crash, like the great asteroid of old, made extinct my whole world
Losing everything on the speculative investment of love
Transitioning from boom to bust faster than a mob massacre
Roaring voraciousness shifted to a great depression
As the blind eyes of justice extended hands saying
“Boyfriend can you spare some time?”

Stuck in the quicksand of quiet stagnation, I promised myself a new deal
The desperate attempt to pave the yellow brick road to relief recovery and reform
Confounding agencies of bottlenecked mental faculties failed to prime the pump
My emotions screamed like a forgotten man on run to save the very legacy of his being
And with resolutions to end the holiday that clarity took with a fireside chat of logic,
I failed to ignite a spark with the dull flint and steel of hopelessness

Flash. This just in...
A painfully destructive force of invisible malevolence has been mounting the final solution to the ‘love question’
Top Brass say burying your head in the sand has only exacerbated matters and
Appeasement has increased the reach of this deep wretchedness
Reports indicate future global movement and stress the urgency to take action now
Troops have been called upon to halt this hell-bent conqueror who would bomb the beauty clear from the face of this planet.

0410. My number was pulled by the supernatural hand of the draft board
Imbued with a new sense of purpose and responsibility, I set to readying myself for the last stand.
I studied Rose and Jack. I decoded messages of twisted love languages. I memorized the sand tables.
Awaiting the unknown day to come, I armed myself with the only weapon I could find: words
And while I inspected, polished, and packed them safely, I prayed for victory

Shivering at the launch zone, I listened to and repeated Ike's benediction:
“You are about to embark upon the ‘Great Crusade’ toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of loving people everywhere march with you. Your task will not be an easy one, but I have full confidence in your courage and devotion. Goodluck and let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.”

Operation 3L deployed the entire fleet of the heart, crowding the waves of thought and flow of air
She was my every desiderata, a battle worth betting the house on
Choppy waters of traffic rocked the operation off-course as my nerves were drowned by the rhythmic hum of engines.
When the target was within sight, the gates rolled down and I raced to solid ground, with head on a swivel.
My objective was to drop the L-bomb in Powderhouse 178.

With leaked intel, the bunker was, against all odds: empty.
I dropped my IED in a small pillbox and not knowing the length of the fuse, hustled to safety.
As fate would have it, my egress was cut off with the perfectly timed explosion of heavy artillery.
In slow motion a vision-shot shell blasted temporary deafness unto me and bundled all my veins with a tight squeeze.
I turned to lock eyes with the enemy: anger. Spewing hot, and stark mad with channeled control, I felt it lock me in it’s sights
Hiding behind the excuse of toting a purse, I marched up the embankment, leaning exhausted on a wrought iron barricade at its peak.

The supposedly surprise mission had been spotted from miles away, she knew what was coming and had fortified her position.
I walked into a massacre, falling helplessly at the top of the stairs, my legs blasted off by the .50 caliber machine gun shots of her eyes.
Morphine!! Morphine I screamed, but there was no relief for the pain;
I didn’t stand a chance. I tried to pick up the pieces of my broken heart and just escape alive, but the all out assault was unrelenting.
She pulled me in to kill me with a hug and then with bodies pressed together that once flowed in a beautiful symphony of intimacy, her
unfamiliar arms shifted and I felt an ominous pressure against my forehead.

My helmet tinged as the bullet carried out of it’s exit hole everything that was good with me.
My body fell lifeless.

In my left-breast pocket they found a letter that read:

My Dearest Love,

For you I would die 1,000,000 times more.
(They picked up what was left of me and shipped it to China)

Видео Love and War канала Brian Germain
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12 июня 2015 г. 22:58:07