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Attitude (Official Video) Harf Cheema - Jasmeen Akhtar - Latest Punjabi Song 2024 - Geet MP3

Geet MP3 & GK Digital Presenting Album "Future Folk" Of Harf Cheema, And Now We Releasing Album's 2nd Music Video "Attitude"
We expect you to appreciate hearing it as greatly as we enjoyed making it!
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"Future Folk" Album Streaming Now On:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6ukTEfsBa5GIp9nOJQTLkw?si=pfnZWd-KTKW2o_mcL8cbhA
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/future-folk-ep/1781681641
iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/album/future-folk-ep/1781681641
JioSaavn: https://www.jiosaavn.com/album/future-folk/teM4CMCo3ks_
Prime Music India: https://music.amazon.in/albums/B0DNZTVJ44?marketplaceId=A21TJRUUN4KGV&musicTerritory=IN&ref=dm_sh_PYz3sp7iq3QwOscC8ZxIQGKzF
YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lY7EqRNqe1lLEP1BQsRz_BDUejpPZAYGs&si=0f8L6al_4NNeyEHz
Youtube Topic: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nC3U3hEi5Twy_sXRuKm4UkhXGbI-iu1g0&si=nxvl7ZE7mxb6oSTi

Reel Links - Future Folk

1. Defender: https://www.instagram.com/reels/audio/1715827378983345?igsh=MXJidHBtMjJiZzBkcQ==
2. Attitude: https://www.instagram.com/reels/audio/578502528063439?igsh=MWUwemE4dm1pYXN4bA==
3. Halla Gulla: https://www.instagram.com/reels/audio/1055656226247454?igsh=MW1mdDJ5dXlzNHhjeg==
4. Gediroute: https://www.instagram.com/reels/audio/575258255083783?igsh=Mzk5c2N2dTFjMjFm
5. Lahore: https://www.instagram.com/reels/audio/1299735821375465?igsh=ZXJvYXZoODBhYnZ0
6. Circle: https://www.instagram.com/reels/audio/559496986834684?igsh=YjRvbzVueHZtc3Bn

Song Video Credits:

Song: Attitude
Singer: Harf Cheema Ft. Jasmeen Akhtar
Lyrics\Composer: Harf Cheema
Music: Bull Music
Mix Master: Dense
Video: Diljot Garcha
Producers: Kv Dhillon
Digitally Promotions: GK Digital
Record Label: Geet MP3

Album's Tracklist:

Song: Defender
Singer: Harf Cheema, Sudesh Kumari
Lyrics and Composer: Harf Cheema
Music Director: Deep Jandu

Song: Attitude
Singer: Harf Cheema, Jasmeen Akhtar
Lyrics Composer: Harf Cheema
Music Director: Bull Music

Song: Halla Gulla
Singer: Harf Cheema, Gurlez Akhtar
Lyrics & Composer: Harf Cheema
Music Director: Gaiphy

Song: Gediroute
Singer: Harf Cheema, Shipra Goyal
Lyrics & Composer: Harf Cheema
Music: Bull music

Song: Lahore
Singer: Harf Cheema, Sargi Maan
Lyrics & Composer: Harf Cheema
Music: Gaiphy

6. Song: Circle
Singer: Harf Cheema, Rupinder Handa
Lyrics & Composer: Harf Cheema
Music: Deep Jandu

Producers: Kv Dhillon
Digital Promotions: GK Digital
Record Label: Geet MP3

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Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/geet-mp3
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Видео Attitude (Official Video) Harf Cheema - Jasmeen Akhtar - Latest Punjabi Song 2024 - Geet MP3 канала Geet MP3
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