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This Is The Most Terrifying Alien Encounter Ever Recorded

This is the most terrifying alien encounter ever recorded. This is one of the most terrifying alien encounters ever recorded.

The accounts of Scott & His Family.

Back in November of nineteen ninety one, an individual would join a support group after claiming to have been taken by mysterious entities over the course of his entire life.

According to the man, who chose to go by the name Scott, he claimed that he only started to remember the events after years of suffering from nightmares.

When dwelling on these for several years, the memories of strange humanoid creatures entering into his room started coming back to him but remained cloudy, as if he had been waking up from a dream.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!

Видео This Is The Most Terrifying Alien Encounter Ever Recorded канала Unexplained Mysteries
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20 июля 2024 г. 1:08:00
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