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100 Thousand Subscribers. Thank You and Q&A

I created my YouTube channel 7 months ago. I never would have thought that I would have this many subscribers so soon afterwards. This video is dedicated to every single person that has and will subscribe to this channel as well as everyone that has watched any of my videos, thank you all so very much. It means more than the world to me.

As promised, please feel free to ask any questions that you have about me, my channel, future videos, future plans or whatever else you feel like. I'll try to answer every comment that's on this video over the next several days so don't get discouraged if I don't answer your question right away! I'm really busy with 3 new videos that will be coming out very shortly here, the first of which of will be this Friday.

Thank you all again so much, this has been a wonderful experience and I'm looking forward to the years to come making content for this channel.

Music is by HolFix

Song Title: Daily Adventures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a987LG5GkVY

Check out Holfix's channel here! https://www.youtube.com/user/holfix?spfreload=5
Subscribe Here: http://bit.ly/2dB7VTO

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RealLifeLore/
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealLifeLore1

Videos explaining things. Mostly over topics like history, geography, economics and science.

We believe that the world is a wonderfully fascinating place, and you can find wonder anywhere you look. That is what our videos attempt to convey.

Currently, we try our best to release one video every two weeks. Bear with us :)

Business Email: thereallifelore@gmail.com

Видео 100 Thousand Subscribers. Thank You and Q&A канала RealLifeLore
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