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Benefits of Stoicism on mental health | Claudia Prieto Castro | TEDxIES Saramago Majadahonda Youth

Claudia introduces us to Stoicism, an ancient philosophy that offers tools to improve mental health, especially in times of distraction and emotional pressure. Through the teachings of philosophers like Marcus Aurelius and Seneca, she explains how Stoicism helps manage our emotions and focus on what we can control. Claudia connects these principles to modern challenges faced by young people, such as social media anxiety and future uncertainty, and shows how adopting Stoic practices can bring clarity and resilience. I'm Claudia, and for years I've enjoyed reading philosophy and writing, especially essays and poetry. In my opinion, young people today are deeply affected by an era where social media—among other factors—has contributed to the widespread issues of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. However, knowledge, often undervalued, can be an infallible solution to turn things around. In my talk, I discuss how Stoicism can serve as a path to better mental health.

Soy Claudia, y desde hace años disfruto leyendo filosofía y escribiendo, sobre todo, ensayo y poesía. En mi opinión, los jóvenes estamos atravesados por una época donde las redes sociales -entre otras causas- han provocado que, hoy en día, sean comunes los problemas de ansiedad, depresión y falta de autoestima. Sin embargo, el conocimiento, muchas veces menospreciado, puede ser una solución infalible para dar un giro de tuerca. En mi charla, abordaré cómo el Estoicismo puede servir como una vía hacia una mejor salud mental. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

Видео Benefits of Stoicism on mental health | Claudia Prieto Castro | TEDxIES Saramago Majadahonda Youth канала TEDx Talks
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