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Dansette - Diplomat - 1960 battery record player

Possible the first battery record player from the "Famous Dansette" brand, original cost 18gns, and ran of a PP10 (9volt) battery which havent been avalible for years, 2 x PP9 batterys in sync will power it for a long time.
The deck is made by E.M.I and can been seen fitted in Dynatron Romany, and safari, as well as the dansette troubadour.
A electric version with the same cabent was also made but the name i cant think of i thought it was the troubadour. which may be why the gold grill section on the side for the heat from valves etc.
Far as i know the model was made till about 1963, the last version used the new Monanach GU7 mini sized 4 speed deck, can only guess thats when the "dansette prefect" was launch
The cartridge is a garrard gp67 crystal ( re-crystaled ) as the orig was dead.

Видео Dansette - Diplomat - 1960 battery record player канала johnreynolds71
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