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When Father and Son Rock the Stage! | Got Talent España

Watch as father and son, Guille and Roy Moreno, deliver an unforgettable musical performance on Spain’s Got Talent 2024. Their electrifying chemistry and breathtaking acting bring a unique energy to the stage, showcasing a powerful bond that’s both heartwarming and thrilling. Who will steal the spotlight in this epic father-son duet? Tune in to witness a performance like no other!

Best Performances | Got Talent España 👇👇

Watch MORE Talent Replay: @talentreplay

#GotTalent #musician #music #sonfather #gottalentespaña

Florentino Fernández
Paula Echevarría
Risto Mejide

Видео When Father and Son Rock the Stage! | Got Talent España канала Talent Replay
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