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Joan Sebastian - Me Gustas (Letra Oficial)

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La popularidad de “Me Gustas”, extraída del exitoso álbum “Secreto de Amor”, se debe sin duda a la sencillez de su mensaje. De los grandes temas de un gran cantautor, Joan Sebastian.

The popularity of the song “Me Gustas,” from the hit album Secreto de Amor, can be credited to the simple, but relatable message. This is one of the biggest hits by the great singer-songwriter, Joan Sebastian.


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#JoanSebastian #MeGustas

Licensed to YouTube by UMG (on behalf of Discos Musart, a division of Craft Recordings Latino)

Видео Joan Sebastian - Me Gustas (Letra Oficial) канала Discos Musart
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12 декабря 2018 г. 3:48:16