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Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem. A commentary on the Gospel of Mark.

From the Gospel according to Mark. The next morning as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. And having seen from afar a fig tree that had leaves he approached it, to see if he could find anything there. But when he came under it, he found nothing but leaves. For that was not the season of figs, and he said: "May no one ever eat of these fruits again." And the disciples heard. Meanwhile they went to Jerusalem and entered the temple, and drove out those who sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and the chairs of the dove sellers, and did not allow things to be brought through the temple, and taught them saying: "Is it not written that my House shall be called a House of prayer for all peoples. But you have made it a den of thieves." The high priests and the scribes heard him and tried to find a way to put him to death. They were in fact afraid of him, because all the people admired his teaching. When evening came they went out of the city, the following morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. Then Peter remembered and said to him, "Master, look! The fig tree that you cursed has withered." Jesus then said to them, "Have faith in God. In truth, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, rise up and throw yourself into the sea, not doubting in his heart, but believing that what he says will happen, that will be granted", for this I say to you: "All that you ask in prayer, have faith that you have obtained it, and it will be granted to you. When you start praying, if you have something against someone, forgive, because even you’re Father who is in Heaven, may He forgive you your sins. It is the word of the Lord. With love, we live this time of Lent, in this itinerary that leads us to the resurrection. That same itinerary that Jesus accomplishes with his friends, to reach and make everyone reach salvation. The passage of Mark now proclaimed, proposes us the temporal scansion of this itinerary and in an eschatological key, we understand what in God's time would have happened. Here is that a first passage is represented by that following morning, when Jesus walks towards Jerusalem, to reach the temple. Jesus is hungry, sees a fig tree, "the" fig tree. That seems to carry fruits, its leaves are green, but when he got under it, that fig tree in reality doesn't feed, because it doesn't bear fruit. And Jesus curses it. Jesus enters the temple, that temple that was supposed to be of prayer, it was to bring the children to unite themselves to the heart of the Father in prayer, in holy communion. But that temple has become a den of thieves, because he who lived, lives that temple, no longer bears fruit, but everything has become a commerce, everything to satisfy one's own interest, one's ego. No longer is God in the first place, but the self, and so it is that Jesus drives out the sellers of that temple. and leaves that city, when the evening of God's time comes, Jesus abandons that city. And the next morning, another part of the history of God, the fig tree is totally sterile, from the roots. That which does not bear fruit, is destined to perish. It dries up and is thrown into the fire. What instead is prayer, is brotherhood, is love, is mercy, will bear fruit in abundance and all those who will want to eat, because they are hungry for God will find, in the Tree of Life, the essential substantial nourishment. That Tree of Life, that in the Holy City of God, produces fruits in every time, to feed the children and all those who animated by goodwill, will come to embrace the infinite mercy of God, that the Father has given to his children, listening to the prayer of those who in prayer, all asked and all obtained. Behold Mary, who prayed, believed and obtained. Behold the New Jerusalem, fulfillment of God's promises. Come you all, who are seeking the true bread, the true food. Come all of you who are thirsty, here is the source of the water of life. Come and nothing will be lacking. Have faith in Jesus, have faith in Mary, this is what Jesus repeats to us today. No fear, have faith, all is fulfilled. The time of God IS. Everything is being lived. Everything is being fulfilled. In prayer and brotherhood, we remain united to Jesus and Mary and nothing will be lacking. And now together we invoke the blessing of the Father. God Almighty Father, bless us all, in his holy name of Father and Son and Holy Spirit

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5 апреля 2022 г. 2:30:01
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