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Bhagawad-Dhyanam -भगवद्ध्यानम् । A simple key to a peaceful and happy life in the world and beyond -

Bhagawad-Dhyanam from the Bhagawat - a simple key to a peaceful and happy life in the world and beyond -

The child is the father of man, wrote a great English poet, that, in plain words, means that whatever one learns in his childhood shapes one's adult life; it continues to influence one's life till the end. The morning of every day is like its childhood and what one feeds his mind with shapes the whole day he spends.

People wake up in the morning to an atmosphere charged with negative thoughts which contributed mainly by Newspapers that turn the mind into negative channels and make one see even good things in a bad light. One pulls on the day without positive contribution, peace and happiness; he is also robbed of a sound sleep making him vulnerable to negative thoughts the next morning. Bhagawad-Dhyanam from Shrimad Bhagawat provides a simple solution to the problem.

Bhagavad-Dyanam is a remembrance of Lord Narayana; reciting the Dhyanam shlokas or listening to it as soon as one gets up in the morning, fills the mind with beautiful thoughts which turn the mind towards positivity that shows the brighter side of life and also strengthen the mind to face difficulties that the day might bring. He is peaceful and happy and enjoys deep slumber at night.

An audio clip of the Bhagawad-Dhyanam, recited by Mukundacharya Sidhanti student of Satyadhyana Vidyapeetha, is sent herewith.

Today is Kamada Ekadashi which is known to fulfil one's desires. Let us recite the Bhagawad-Dhyanam or listen to it, with total surrender to Lord Narayana, and continue with it every morning to lead a meaningful peaceful life, and by the grace of the Lord, get released from the bondage of life and be at His Feet forever.

Видео Bhagawad-Dhyanam -भगवद्ध्यानम् । A simple key to a peaceful and happy life in the world and beyond - канала mukund sidhanti
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23 апреля 2021 г. 8:34:55