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Kenco-LP™ Retail Security Tags that stop wardrobing and price switching.

Our patented Kenco®-LP device is the world’s best and most cost-effective solution to the problem of wardrobing. For decades, retailers have tried to eliminate wardrobing to no avail. Until now, every method seeking to prevent wardrobing has required an expensive device and store policies that are difficult to implement and track. By requiring the Kenco®-LP device to still be attached to the garment upon return, you get a definitive solution to wardrobing at no additional cost.

Shoplifting affects retailers everywhere, but you can finally put a stop to it using Kenco®-LP security tags. Each tag is completely tamperproof and bears a unique security ID, giving you certainty about an item’s origin and history. Shoplifting is often more sophisticated than merely stealing an item off the shelf. Organized shoplifters frequently steal items from retail outlets and distribution centers, only to resell them online or return them to the store without a receipt for cash or store credit. With Kenco®-LP security tags, you can know with certainty if a particular item has been stolen or reported missing by referencing the item’s unique security ID.


Until Kenco®-LP, stolen or falsified receipts could be used to return stolen goods, as well as goods purchased from different stores. the receipt, letting the retailer know that the price listed on the tag is correct. By tracking the unique ID that appears on every Kenco®-LP security tag, you can also know when, where, and to a whom an item was sold, or even if the item had been stolen or reported missing. Because the Kenco®-LP security tag cannot be removed or tampered with, Kenco®-LP is the best and most cost-effective strategy for preventing receipt fraud.


The Kenco®-LP security tag is tamper-evident and cannot be removed for use on another garment, bringing price switching to a halt. Price switching is a very common and costly form of retail fraud impacting every retailer. Price switching happens when an expensive garment’s tag is removed and replaced with another showing a lower price. Current retail tags can easily be switched by slipping the plastic fastener through the hole in the retail tag. The Kenco®-LP device is impossible to remove without showing clear evidence of tampering, preventing price switching completely.


Kenco®-LP eliminates cross-retail returns, wherein a product is purchased or shoplifted from one retailer at a low price and returned to another retailer at a higher price in exchange for cash or a store credit. The Kenco®-LP security tag makes cross-retailer returns impossible due to its tamper-evident design and unique security ID, which allows you to track where, when, and for how much an item originally sold. The patented design of the Kenco®-LP security tag saves you time, money, and resources by preventing cross-retail returns.


Retailers lose billions of dollars each year by putting items on clearance or damaging them out completely, simply because the original retail tag fell or was pulled off. Given the sturdy, strong design of Kenco®-LP security tags, you can be certain that the original tag attached to the garment will not fall or snap off. Kenco®-LP security tag will eliminate the need to put items on clearance or damage them out due to a lost tag. You or your employees will also no longer need to track down and reprint replacement tags for items whose original tags disappeared.


Inventory control is now more important than ever as retailers combine brick-and-mortar retail with e-commerce under one roof. Retailers and brands need to know exactly what they have in stock and where that stock is located. By utilizing the unique security ID that comes with each Kenco®-LP tag, you will significantly increase your inventory accuracy and know the exact location of each item in that inventory. Kenco®-LP further assures that items bought via e-commerce marketplaces are shipped more quickly and match the customer’s order exactly.


More people are returning merchandise now than ever before. It is very challenging to implement simple and cost-effective return policies that will also satisfy the customer. With the Kenco®-LP security tag, customers know immediately whether a product can be returned. Before accepting the item, retailers can likewise confirm that the item in question is the same item that was originally purchased. By keeping record of the unique security IDs that come with each security tag, a seller can also be certain of when, where, and for how much the item was originally sold. The days of fraudulent returns are over with Kenco®-LP.

Видео Kenco-LP™ Retail Security Tags that stop wardrobing and price switching. канала Kenco Label & Tag Co., LLC.
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20 июня 2019 г. 3:42:33