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Resep ‘PIZZA’ KRISPI JAMUR: Renyah & Gurih! [Mushroom Tart]

Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**

00:00 : intro
01:18 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:00 : membuat adonan tart (making the tart dough)
03:42 : membuat caramelized onions (making the Caramelized Onions)
05:16 : bentuk dan panggang adonan tart (shaping and baking the tart dough)
06:10 : membuat creamy mushroom (making the Creamy Mushroom)
08:05 : assemble mushroom tart dan panggang (assembling and baking the Mushroom Tart)
08:49 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepMushroomTart #ResepTart #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Mushroom Tart (untuk 3-6 porsi)

Bahan adonan:
195 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
½ sdt garam
20 gr air es
120 gr Anchor Unsalted Butter

Bahan caramelized onion:
2 sdm minyak
4 batang daun thyme
½ sdm Anchor Unsalted Butter
1 ½ buah bawang bombai
½ sdt gula pasir
¼ sdt garam
¼ sdt lada hitam

Bahan creamy mushroom:
75 gr jamur tiram/ oyster
50 gr jamur kancing / champignon
50 gr jamur shitake
100 gr jamur shimeji
1 butir kuning telur
5 batang daun thyme
1 sdm Anchor Unsalted Butter
80 ml Anchor Cooking Cream
¼ sdt garam
¼ sdt merica

10 gr keju parmesan

1. Potong kotak kecil Anchor Unsalted Butter lalu pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk
2. Masukkan tepung terigu dan garam, aduk menggunakan tangan hingga menjadi butiran pasir
3. Tambahkan air es, aduk sebentar lalu bungkus dengan cling wrap. Masukkan ke dalam kulkas selama 1 jam
4. Untuk caramelized onion, iris bawang bombai lalu tumis di api besar hingga wangi dan sedikit kecokelatan
5. Tambahkan garam, gula pasir, lada hitam, dan daun thyme, masak hingga kecokelatan di api kecil
6. Matikan api lalu masukkan Anchor Unsalted Butter, aduk rata, sisihkan
7. Pipihkan adonan lalu bentuk persegi panjang
8. Tekan-tekan bagian pinggir adonan, tusuk bagian tengah adonan dengan garpu lalu panggang di suhu 170 derajat celcius selama 15 menit
9. Potong-potong jamur sesuai selera lalu panaskan minyak, tumis jamur oyster dan shimeji di api besar beberapa saat
10. Masukkan sisa jamur, masak kembali hingga wangi dan kecokelatan
11. Masukkan Anchor Unsalted Butter, daun thyme, garam, dan lada hitam, aduk rata kemudian masukkan Anchor Cooking Cream masak beberapa saat
12. Pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk. Dinginkan hingga hangat kuku lalu tambahkan kuning telur, aduk rata
13. Susun caramelized onion dan creamy mushroom di atas tart crust. Tambahkan parutan keju parmesan. Panggang kembali di suhu 190 derajat celcius selama 10 menit
14. Mushroom tart siap disajikan

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Lazada: https://www.lazada.co.id/shop/lazada-...


Mushroom Tart Recipe (yield 3-6 servings)

Dough ingredients:
195 g all-purpose flour
½ tsp salt
20 g cold water
120 g Anchor Unsalted Butter

Caramelized Onions ingredients:
2 tbsp oil
4 sprig thyme
½ tbsp Anchor Unsalted Butter
1.5 pc onion
½ tsp sugar
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp black pepper

Creamy Mushroom ingredients:
75 g Oyster mushroom
50 g Button mushroom / Champignon
50 g Shiitake
100 g Shimeji
1 pc egg yolk
5 sprig thyme
1 tbsp Anchor Unsalted Butter
80 ml Anchor Cooking Cream
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper

10 g parmesan

1. Dice Anchor Unsalted Butter into small pieces. Transfer to a bowl.
2. Add flour and salt. Mix with hand until sandy.
3. Add cold water. Mix a bit, then wrap dough with a plastic wrap. Place in the fridge for 1 hour.
4. For the Caramelized Onions, slice the onions and sauté on high heat until fragrant and lightly browned.
5. Add salt, sugar, black pepper, and thyme. Cook until browned on low heat.
6. Turn the heat off, then add Anchor Unsalted Butter. Stir, then set aside.
7. Flatten the dough and shape into a rectangle.
8. Press the edge of the dough. Punch holes in the center with a fork, then bake it at 170°C for 15 minutes.
9. Slice the mushrooms to your preference. Heat the oil. Sauté the Oyster mushroom and Shimeji on high heat for a moment.
10. Add the rest of the mushrooms. Continue cooking until fragrant and browned.
11. Add Anchor Unsalted Butter, thyme, salt, and black pepper. Stir, then add Anchor Cooking Cream. Cook for a moment.
12. Transfer the mushroom into a bowl. Let it cool down until it’s lukewarm, then add the yolk in. Mix well.
13. Assemble the Caramelized Onions and Creamy Mushroom on top of the tart crust. Add grated Parmesan. Bake it again at 190°C for 10 minutes.
14. Mushroom Tart is ready to serve.


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Видео Resep ‘PIZZA’ KRISPI JAMUR: Renyah & Gurih! [Mushroom Tart] канала Devina Hermawan
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16 октября 2022 г. 12:00:11