She Raises Every Single Judges' Pulse! | Got Talent España
Parshyns lifts up onto the top of the stage at Got Talent España to give an absolutely riveting performance! The duo suspend themselves from the catwalks of the stage to bounce and hang onto each others limbs without any cables, wires or nets to ensure their safety. They even at one point blindfold each other and start jumping around without even seeing where they are holding on to! The act reaches it's pinacle however, when the duo decide to hang onto each other with only a single wire with hard rubber handles that they bite onto, then via only holding each other with their neck strengths, start to spin around with a force which will leave everyone who witnesses it in total shock!
Best Performances | Got Talent España 👇👇
The Auditions phase is here, where the jury—featuring publicist and TV host Risto Mejide, aristocrat and fashion designer Tamara Falcó, actress Paula Echevarría, and comedian Florentino Fernández—evaluate each performance. Contestants who receive two or more "yeses" will advance to the Semifinals, while those who don't, will have to say goodbye. Who will make it through?
Get ready for unforgettable performances, unexpected reactions, and jaw-dropping moments from both the judges and contestants. From mind-blowing magicians and hilarious comedians to spectacular dancers, daring acrobats, and incredibly talented kids—Spain's Got Talent has it all. Are you ready for the best entertainment like never before?
Watch MORE Talent Replay: @talentreplay
#GotTalent #dancer #acrobatics #aerial #gottalentespaña
Florentino Fernández
Paula Echevarría
Risto Mejide
Видео She Raises Every Single Judges' Pulse! | Got Talent España канала Talent Replay
Best Performances | Got Talent España 👇👇
The Auditions phase is here, where the jury—featuring publicist and TV host Risto Mejide, aristocrat and fashion designer Tamara Falcó, actress Paula Echevarría, and comedian Florentino Fernández—evaluate each performance. Contestants who receive two or more "yeses" will advance to the Semifinals, while those who don't, will have to say goodbye. Who will make it through?
Get ready for unforgettable performances, unexpected reactions, and jaw-dropping moments from both the judges and contestants. From mind-blowing magicians and hilarious comedians to spectacular dancers, daring acrobats, and incredibly talented kids—Spain's Got Talent has it all. Are you ready for the best entertainment like never before?
Watch MORE Talent Replay: @talentreplay
#GotTalent #dancer #acrobatics #aerial #gottalentespaña
Florentino Fernández
Paula Echevarría
Risto Mejide
Видео She Raises Every Single Judges' Pulse! | Got Talent España канала Talent Replay
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2 декабря 2024 г. 1:00:00
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