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Businesswoman to 100 Women Monthly Head Shave

The Japanese woman woke up in her luxurious villa and got ready for the day. She put on an expensive dress and examined herself in the mirror, noting her bald head.

Going downstairs, she saw that her bald servants were already preparing breakfast. "Good morning," she said politely as she entered the dining room. The servants bowed and murmured greetings.

After eating, the woman decided to interview candidates to hire a new housemaid. The first candidate arrived, a young woman with long flowing hair.

"Welcome, please have a seat," the woman said.

"Thank you ma'am," the candidate replied as she sat down.

"Tell me about your experience as a housemaid," the woman asked.

The candidate spoke enthusiastically about her various duties and skills. After some more questions, the woman said "Well you seem qualified, but I must be forthright - in this household, all the servants must be bald like myself. I simply can't abide hair."

The candidate's eyes went wide in surprise. "Oh, I see..." she said uncertainly.

"So I'm afraid I cannot hire you unless you are willing to shave your head," the woman continued matter-of-factly.

The candidate hesitated, not expecting this strange requirement. Ultimately she declined the position, despite needing the money.
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14 марта 2024 г. 14:16:10
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